Hey everybody, Dr. Chris Lewandowski of Princess Center Dentistry just finished a day at work. It’s Monday afternoon welcome today we’re just going to talk a little bit about teeth whitening and some options that you might find at your dentist.

I’ll go through these in order of strength


So the most potent whitening systems first at our office our strongest system is the Zoom 1-hour whitening system zoom is where you sit in the chair and they bring that light over to you you’ve seen in the movies we put on the the barriers on your tissues to make sure the whitening agent doesn’t get on your gums we use the light to activate the the bleach we do three 15-minute sessions maybe a fourth if you can tolerate it and zoom seems to be the most powerful whitening system available. With zoom comes some sensitivity for a lot of patients and so we would recommend that you do some desensitizing prior to that appointment we sell it a tube of desensitizing gel here at the office that you should pick up a couple of days prior to that appointment I can’t really show you the zoom lamps it sits in the operatory but like I say it’s that blue light that you guys are used to seeing in the movies.

Glo System

The next system that we offer here is the Glo system.

It’s modeled after the zoom one our lighting system but it’s a system that’s take home. It also has a light that’s activated in your mouth. You could purchase this at our office and use it at your own convenience in your house. It takes about six or seven Glo sessions to equal one zoom session, so the potency is much less but it’s a much more forgiving gel with quite a bit less sensitivity. If you have the discipline to do whitening at home, the glow product might be a good product that you can consider.

Also an at-home product, if you’re not interested in purchasing the whole light kit, you can use the old bleaching trays what’s traditionally has been whitening and before all of the light activated systems where you just use a tray on your teeth product like this so we sell this in about ten or fifteen dollars a tube.You may get an eight pack here for eighty dollars at the time of this blog post. You would put that into the tray you’d wear it for depending on the potency of the gel and we sell 10 15 and 20 percent gels. You put that into the tray wear it for for 30 minutes or up to an hour take it out rinse and you would do that several days in a row and you’d find some real nice whitening results.

Take-home Whitening Kit

Then the last product that we offer is the Opalescence take home whitening kit, which is also a take-home product that does not require any trays. You can literally purchase it and go. This of course product called go it’s a preformed tray you mold it to your teeth this is something a little bit similar to quest the crest whitening strips, but about double the strength, so you can’t buy this in the store, you need to buy from a dental office.

Again, one or two of these trays might be the equivalents of one session of a self-applied gel, so these are the the weakest product, but through a series of ten or fifteen trays, you would find a similar result that you would receive using the zoom product, which is our strongest. So depending on your tolerance of lightening gels and your the sensitivity you’ve had in the past, we can help guide you in terms of the best whitening system for you.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this presentation of teeth whitening options. Again my name is Chris Lewandowski of Princess Dentistry and we offer teeth whitening in Scottsdale, AZ. Enjoy your week and stay safe!